Confession alert:
I have a problem.
Hope you won't mind me sharing with you that I have a problem .... a rather large problem.
It involves addiction, excess and despair.
The addiction relates to an inability to stop buying fabric.
The excess relates to the amount of fabric I own.
The despair is how am I going to fit it all in to my workroom.
This year I hope to find the path to salvation/organisation.
Those of a sensitive disposition should stop reading now. What I'm going to show you now is not a pretty sight!
Accept any offer of help.
Linda arrived in the nick of time to save me from submerging into my fabric.

Get inventive.
Shelves in the open cupboard, peg rail to hang textiles from and a design board to keep the works in progress off the floor.
One week later things are feeling much brighter, and me too!
There are so many newly discovered fabrics whose charms were lying hidden under the amassment of material - I just have to curb my enthusiasm for starting multiple new quilts. Quilts need to be made one by one in this room for a while.
It is so exciting and liberating to have the foundations in place for an organised space.
I hope you can see a difference!
Now to get sewing some words onto fabric.
January 2014
But I'm on a mission and I think life can be different!
First tip:
Accept any offer of help.
Linda arrived in the nick of time to save me from submerging into my fabric.
February 2014

Second tip:
Get inventive.
Shelves in the open cupboard, peg rail to hang textiles from and a design board to keep the works in progress off the floor.
One week later things are feeling much brighter, and me too!
There are so many newly discovered fabrics whose charms were lying hidden under the amassment of material - I just have to curb my enthusiasm for starting multiple new quilts. Quilts need to be made one by one in this room for a while.
It is so exciting and liberating to have the foundations in place for an organised space.
I hope you can see a difference!
Now to get sewing some words onto fabric.