Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Fill a field with friends

What a concept ... to fill a field with friends.

It took my breath away 
when I clicked on Julie's inspiring blog Room for Dessert 
and read her post about Outstanding in the Field.

Sitting here in Beijing 
I can only dream of being seated at the table, 
but what a vision.

Read on to find out what to expect if you were dining in the field
All images sourced from Outstanding in the Field

 or follow their blog, like me, if you can't catch their bus.


Red Red Completely Red said...

Great photo of the table in the field!

Unknown said...

Thanks, tho' i can't take the credit for it!
Something to aspire to one day

Marji said...

That's an amazing guest list, not to mention the catering that went on behind the scenes. So, when will you have something like this at your new home in the UK? From the photos, looks like you have the venue for it :)

Unknown said...

Would be fun for a wedding wouldn't it!!
Maybe all along the river bank!

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