Saturday, 5 March 2011

Padding round Paddington

Paddie, as Paddington market is known locally, is filled with a mixture of individual traders and craftspeople. 
Been taking a stroll round the weekend open air market here in Paddington, Sydney - lots to tempt us!

I loved these small vessels with a brush of black paint on the side. They are the work of artisan Amorelita designs. Whether I use mine for the vinaigrette when serving a salad, or for the parmesan with some pasta, I can just chalk up what's inside.. 
Such a simple design and functional ... can’t get enough of it.
Image: Ingrid in Sydney

Another stall that had us hooked was Rokoco with her great designs on tea towels, aprons and runners.
Image: Ingrid in Sydney
In fact tea towels are becoming a bit of a Sydney obsession for me - but more of that another time!
‘Cupcakes’ is a perfect design for a cupcake queen I know in Norwich! Can you spot the ‘salt rubbed mackerel’ in indigo that I couldn't resist?

Image: Ingrid in Sydney

These belong in the category ‘Tea towels too good to dry up with’ .

 I’m thinking of turning my mackerel into something for my table ...
 a runner is my first thought, 
but who knows after a few more days in Sydney!

If you have done anything creative with tea towels, do drop me a comment. 
I'd love to hear from you.


jlconn said...

Love Paddie's Mkt! Love Sydney!
Mackerel would make beautiful runner for your table with indigo pieces at either end to make the proper length.
Just reminiscing about our time there after seeing pics posted by A Beach Cottage of the beach where we loved to take the children.

Enjoy! Enjoy!

Marisa said...

Wonderful !!

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