Sunday, 18 March 2012

For Mothers Everywhere

Image: Jenni
Today is Mothering Sunday in the Uk.

Traditionally this is a day to honour mothers and mother figures. In centuries past, it was a holiday when young people working as servants could visit their own mothers and often took a gift of food to share. As this day always occurred during Lent, a period of fasting, the fast was lifted on Mothering Sunday and a delicious Simnel cake was baked.
If you want to try making a Simnel Cake here are two recipe suggestions: I shall either use Delia's or Waitrose's -depending on which ingredients I can rustle up.

I'm thinking of my Mum, who died last summer, and the joy she had in our garden. Here she is collecting apples. What pleasure it gave her. I think I'll add an apple to the cake when I mix it.


Jenni said...

Thanks for this lovely reminder! And thanks dear Mum for giving me life (with a little help from Dad!)

blandina said...

What a sweet post,your Mother's picture is full of joy and I can see why you posted it.
I didn't know the British tradition of Mothering Sunday, although I had simnel cake once. We never stop learning something new!

Ingrid @ Fable of the Table said...

Thanks for the lovely comments, so glad you both dropped by.

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