Thursday, 8 March 2012

Guest Post: What is your Refuge?

Image: Our garden
Today I am very lucky to have a guest writer sharing this space ... my sister Jenni. 
Hearing about a recent women's workshop she attended I was so happy when she agreed to share these ideas on this blog. 

A refuge is something we all need to have - and like any insurance policy, it's only useful if you have it sorted before a storm.

Over to Jenni: 
  • Where do you go to find some peace when the mind’s in turmoil?

  • Who do you turn to in a crisis when there’s no one else around?

  • What do you do when you need to recharge your emotional and/or spiritual batteries when times get tough?

  • How do you connect with that still space, deep within you?

These were some of the intriguing queries raised by a group of women who had come together for the day, to reflect and share their insights on the topic: What is your refuge?
Together with our two facilitators, we pondered those outer and inner places of refuge and sanctuary; precious resources that are so important in our search for balance and peace.

Outer sanctuaries include ...
~ being in nature, 
~ sitting in a quiet country churchyard, 
~ walking on a favourite beach, 
~ visiting a temple, 
~ activities such as swimming, cycling, sewing and painting.
Image: Temple in Laos
People can act as a refuge in our lives: look for inspirational teachers and guides who have helped. 

Objects such as special books, favourite pictures, photos, and statues that inspire.
Inner refuges are all about cultivating awareness and consciousness; 
This awareness can help us to develop a sense of balance and a peaceful heart, and even a feeling of being connected with everything.
Image: Postcard of Jim Dine's masterpiece

Finding this still, steadying space within each of us can be as simple as taking three deep breaths, saying a prayer or memorising a mantra.

Image: Our garden
For many, it’s all about cultivating the regular habit of just sitting quietly, and simply observing the breath as it passes in and out through the nose.

So what brings you peace?

Thanks Jenni for sharing.

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