Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Discovering your passion...

Pandas are passionate ... about bamboo!

A couple of weeks ago I invited you to be an explorer in your life.

Today I want to share thoughts on exploring to find your passion 
by doing less and achieving more.

My starting point was the interesting guest post by Cal on zenhabits.

The key point for me was to remember this:
To discover your passion requires you to make time for unstructured exploration

  • you need to be open to many things
  • expose yourself, even though you don't know if you will be interested
  • if you find something to catch your interest, actively follow it up, see if it sticks
  • allow yourself unstructured exploration
  • schedule time to explore 

It is important to allow time to follow up on the things that catch your interest. 
Don't come back to it, seize the moment when your interest is captured.

Reading Cal's post was a validation for all the times I happened upon something by chance and the unexpected discoveries that changed the pattern of my life.
Too often we stifle these chances by being too busy with the 'important' stuff, thereby missing the wealth of interesting ideas that are just waiting for us.  

After posting this I plan to follow up on a couple of blogs I came across by happenstance this morning. Hope you enjoy reading the full article by Cal and check out his excellent blog, Study Habits

PS This is how I discovered Pinterest, a fountain of inspiration I love.
PPS Let me know if it works for you.
PPS I photographed this panda in Chengdu, China. The most playfully passionate panda you could ever wish to meet! 


Red Red Completely Red said...

And from the pandas we met, I'd say they're passionate about apples, too! What a great reminder to follow our hearts, whenever the fancy strikes. Could you imagine a panda saying, "Well, I'll make time to munch on this bamboo later... right now, I have to dust these leaves"!

heavenwildfleur said...

totally agree about how to find one's passion. oftentimes i get inspired, but then i just let it slide.. I must use pinterest or the other bookmarking type services.

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